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Nintendo at E3 2018: Watch live for details on Smash Bros. and more

It's the Nintendo Switch's second E3! Since launching last year, the Switch has been a huge success for Nintendo, and the Japanese gaming giant will look to continue its momentum at E3 2018. Nintendo will be the last major company to hold an event, following Sony and Microsoft earlier in the week. And as has been the case for years, Nintendo will avoid a live show like its console competitors. Instead, it'll air a series of prerecorded videos highlighting its lineup.
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Earlier in the week, it'll also be hosting a tournament for Splatoon 2 and Super Smash Bros. Switch, the latter of which is by far Nintendo's most anticipated E3 2018 title after its surprise reveal earlier this year.
Tuesday, June 10: 12:00 p.m. ET, 9:00 a.m. PT
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Right here! We'll be embedding the livestream from our colleagues at GameSpot, so you can follow along in real time. (Head here for E3's full schedule of press conferences.)

Alternately, you can watch on Nintendo's YouTube channel.

The event itself is happening in Los Angeles, and the CNET team will be there on the ground.
What can we expect?

Nintendo is always hard to predict, but here's what we know so far:
Smash Bros., Smash Bros. and more Smash Bros.
Yes, Nintendo will have games that don't involve Pikachu pummeling Sonic the Hedgehog, but do they even matter? Super Smash Bros. sucks the air out of the room for all other titles, and with next-to-nothing known about the upcoming Switch entry in the beloved series, expect this to be Nintendo's E3 2018 flagship.
Indies, indies galore

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Nintendo's relationship with indepedent developers has been surprisingly strong with the Switch, and for many indies sales have exploded on the Switch. You can be sure some prominent titles will be either ported or getting revised versions on the Switch in the next year.

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We know Splatoon is getting a single-player-focused DLC pack, and Nintendo hasn't said conclusively that Mario Odyssey won't get any more content this year.
Something more than logos and teasers for big titles
We know next to nothing about major upcoming Switch titles like Metroid Prime 4and the next Fire Emblem entry. That should (hopefully) change this year.
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More Nintendo surprises
It wouldn't be an E3 without at least a few surprises from Nintendo. Will Mario collaborate with another random franchise? Will we finally see the much-rumored Nintendo 64 Classic? Could Labo already be getting an upgrade? We'll know soon enough.
