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Hello Neighbor is coming to Nintendo Switch

Hello Neighbor, the horror title recently released by developer Dynamic Pixels, is currently available solely on PC and Xbox One. However, a PEGI listing seems to indicate that Hello Neighbor may be coming to both the PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch.

PEGI, the rating board for video games in the European Union, is equivalent in many ways to the ESRB in the United States. A PEGI listing revealing information about an unannounced release would be nothing new, as the rating board’s listings have done so on several occasions in the past.

Image result for hello neighborThe listing for Hello Neighbor’s PS4 and Nintendo Switch versions does state that their release date is December 2017; the same as its release on PC and Xbox One. Clearly this is an error, but what is unclear is whether it is the date or the console entries themselves which are incorrect. Given PEGI’s track record of revealing releases before they are officially announced, it seems likely that the date could simply be a stand-in until the official release date is confirmed.
