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Showing posts from May, 2018

New Pokémon game coming to Nintendo Switch later this year

A new Pokémon game will be released for the Nintendo Switch in November, with all new Pokémon to catch. The new Pokémon adventure will become available to Switch owners starting Nov. 16. A trailer for the upcoming game was uploaded on The Official Pokémon YouTube channel, May 29. In line with tradition in past Pokémon games, this Switch version will have two variants; “Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu!” and “Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee!” The trailer did not specify how the two will differ, but based on the footage, it may come down on who will be the player’s starting Pokémon. Going into the trailer, gameplay appears to be similar to the classic gameboy version, except with flashier and updated graphics. The site describes the gameplay as a reimagining of the story from “Pokémon Yellow: Special Pikachu Edition”. “Let’s Go” also makes the most of Switch’s hardware. Players can use the JoyCon to simulate throwing a Pokéball to catch Pokémon, thanks to its motion sensors....

E3 2018 Nintendo Switch Predictions: Animal Crossing Switch, Bayonetta 3, N64 Classic, And More

E3 2018 is nearly upon us, and anticipation for this year's gaming extravaganza continues to grow with each passing day. Many developers and publishers have already given fans a peek into their plans for the big showcase in the weeks leading up to it, but there is still much we don't know about this year's event. That holds especially true for Nintendo, which has been characteristically quiet about its E3 lineup. While the company has already confirmed that it will feature the Switch installment of Super Smash Bros. prominently during its E3 presentation and on the expo showfloor, it hasn't revealed any other titles that it will show off. We know for sure that Splatoon 2 will have a presence at E3 during Nintendo's esports competition, and we'll likely see more of some of the games Nintendo announced at last year's expo, such as Metroid Prime 4, Yoshi for Switch, and the highly anticipated Pokemon Switch RPG. That, however, is all conjecture at this point. J...

Overwatch Producer Discusses The Possibility Of Bringing The Game To Switch

One of the biggest shooters in the game industry right now is Overwatch, Blizzard’s popular hero-based shooter. Given the optimistic air of the game and the colorful cast that supports it, Overwatch seems like it’d be a good fit for Nintendo audiences, but Blizzard has been evasive in the past when discussing the possibility of the game showing up on Nintendo’s hybrid. For the upcoming second anniversary of Overwatch, Gamespot sat down with Blizzard to discuss the game’s past and future, and the question of a Switch port was raised once again. Indeed, given Nintendo’s admittedly half-rate online infrastructure, it seems like the multiplayer-only Overwatch could be rather ill fit for the platform. That being said, the launch of the paid Nintendo Switch Online service could perhaps bring improvements in this area. What do you think? Will Overwatch ever show up on the Switch? What other shooters do you think would fit well on the Switch? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Stoneshard will arrive at Nintendo Switch

Ink Stains Games recently opened a Kickstarter campaign for Stoneshard. With more than three weeks of margin, they have achieved the goal of $ 30,000 that they had established. In this way, the launch of the title in Nintendo Switch has been confirmed. Stoneshard, a roguelike open-world RPG, offers us "immense tactical freedom, elements of survival and a deep tracking system, set in a gloomy medieval world". In the title you will travel through a vast medieval world procedurally generated, lead allies and you can increase the number of followers, update and customize your character and more. The title will initially arrive at Steam Early Access in December. The full game will be released in the second or third quarter of 2019, while the version of Switch and other consoles will not arrive until autumn next year.

Pokémon Switch rumors leave fans guessing about the next game

A LOGO The biggest clue, according to fans, Twitter and forum users, comes from 4chan. A thread on the image board’s Pokémon section suggests that  Pokémon Let’s Go! Pikachu Edition  and  Pokémon Let’s Go! Eevee Edition  are two Switch games coming this fall, the first pair from the Pokémon franchise to hit the console. Attached is art of a potential logo for these titles, which users see as lending further credence to the alleged leak. GAMEPLAY CLUES — AND A VIDEO COMPILATION So there’s reason to have doubt about the logo’s veracity. But an earlier thread from 4chan contains details that do sound more plausible. All the way back on March 31, a separate thread claimed to offer the first details of the upcoming Pokémon Switch game. This anonymous user wrote that  Let’s Go!  would be “[ Pokémon Yellow ] remakes for Switch” sold in both Pikachu and Eevee versions; the games would star Red and Blue, the original trainer and rival from ...

Alwa’s Awakening Will Magic Its Way Onto Nintendo Switch This Summer

Indie developer Elden Pixels has confirmed  Alwa's Awakening , the 8-bit-style platformer that combines NES-era looks with modern mechanics, will be heading to Nintendo Switch in time for the summer. Originally unveiled in 2015, the throwback was initially slated for Wii U before the arrival of Ninty's new hybrid hardware shifted the studio's focus to a new platform (as well as releasing its soundtrack on a NES cartridge). You'll be able to explore a large interconnected map in true ‘Metroidvania’ style, with plenty of upgrades to unlock and items/abilities to find. With an optional Assist mode (offering quick respawns and the option to turn item locations on and off) and a completely new 8-bit soundtrack with over 25 new original tracks to listen to while you're at it, this new and improved version sounds like a moreish mixture of new and old.

Crystal Crisis looks like Puzzle Fighter with Astro Boy, Binding of Isaac and Cave Story characters

It’s been a big week for crossovers from publisher Nicalis. After revealing that Isaac from  The Binding of Isaac  and Quote from  Cave Story  are joining fighting game  Blade Strangers  comes news of another type of fighter ... featuring Isaac from  The Binding of Isaac  and Quote from  Cave Story . Today, Nicalis revealed  Crystal Crisis , a puzzle game that sure looks a lot like Capcom’s Puzzle Fighter series. But instead of Street Fighter and Darkstalkers characters duking it out by crushing colored gems,  Crystal Crisis  will feature Isaac,  Cave Story ’s Quote and Curly Brace, Solange from  Code of Princess , Aban Hawkins from  1,001 Spikes  and others as playable characters.